What is an Executor? An Executor is a person who is in charge of carrying out, or at least following through with, a specific task or duty imposed upon them by another person or group of people. The most common form, of course, is that of an executor executing the will of a deceased person. In some cases, an executor may be hired by a company to act as a personal representative of the company, and then oversee its affairs. Other times, the role of an executor may be defined more explicitly in the will or statute which created the individual.
The job of an Executor can be incredibly varied, and many different things may be executed by an Executor. Perhaps you work for a business and are required to download and install certain software onto multiple computers throughout your company. However, you may also be asked to download important files to certain servers, make payroll deposits, and perform other financial tasks. If you are interested in performing any of these tasks as an Executor, you may download the appropriate software programs from the Internet and install them on your computer.
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